My Emotion Code (TM) Experience

THE EMOTION CODE ™ was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is an energetic modality utilizing muscle testing, whereby, the practitioner can release trapped emotions, compound emotions, and heart wall emotions from the client via connecting with the subconscious mind.

I became interested in The Emotion Code ™ after listening to Tony Robbins talk about it on a podcast. Now- to be honest, I am NOT a fan of Mr. Robbins (but that is for another day). My interest, however, was peaked at this new (to me) form of energy work.

Trapped emotions are literally balls of energy that become “stuck” within our being, thus creating discord with our true vibrational energy and may impact our present and future life.

Throughout our lives, emotions can become trapped for various reasons when we are unable to process them at the time of experiencing them. Over time, the distortions can lead to physical and/or emotional ailments and even lead to things such as chronic illness and pain. They may create blockages to physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual wellbeing.

Having learned this, I jumped at the opportunity to have an Emotion Code session with Tracey (Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP)/Certified Body Code Practitioner (CBCP)! How could I not? First- I love listening to her speak. It is clear she thinks about her shares. She is introspective and means what she says when she says it. Her energy is magnetic to me. It centers me.

Before we got started, Tracey explained that releasing trapped energy is much like lifting fallen logs from a river, thus allowing the water to flow freely. When we release, we are shedding what may have contributed to years of turmoil and pain, thus allowing our own energy to flow more freely and our being to better and/or more easily heal. Being a visual person, I used this image during the session to envision emotional energy being cleared.

Tracey let me know that after a session, the client often feels lighter, relaxed, or calmer. Although the releasing of the trapped energy is immediate, the body then can take a few days to process this shift in energy. Processing can be different with each client, with symptoms such as headache, sleepiness, lightness, or maybe nothing at all. This is a time to honor yourself with good self-care and gratitude.

Following my Emotion Code ™ session, I felt lighter! I felt more relaxed! Most of all, I felt CONNECTED to Source in a way that I have only ever felt when being in the same room with a powerful energy healer in my community. Tracey accomplished this with me from Australia!! (I live in Montana, USA!)

A few days after my first session- I was emotional. I anticipated this possibility and remained as neutral as possible while observing my thoughts and letting the tears come. It passed within hours and once again, I felt at peace.

Tracey was and continues to be, very clear: The Emotion Code ™ is not a replacement for western medicine, though it may, by releasing the trapped energy, assist in the body’s healing process.

She reports clients can work on their past, present, and even clear blockages that may be hindering their future goals.

Emotion Code ™ Sessions go for 30 mins (although the first appt may be longer so that Tracey can answer initial questions). Sessions are virtual via messenger phone, FaceTime, or phone.

Costs of sessions are as follows and please note that $65AUD is approximately $50 USD:

Single Session - $65AUD.

Pack of 5 sessions - $300 AUD - save $25.

Pack of 10 sessions - $600 AUD - save $50 plus 1 free session.

If you are interested- Contact Tracey Peterson at

Be sure to read about my BODY CODE experience.